Make democracy a Big Deal

Make democracy a Big Deal

The new film by Criag Reucassel and Christian van Vurren is making our democracy a Big Deal.

You can get involved in Australian democracy by raising the changes you'd like to see in Australian Democracy with your local elected representative. 

The new film by Criag Reucassel and Christian van Vurren is making our democracy a Big Deal.

You can get involved in Australian democracy by raising the changes you'd like to see in Australian Democracy with your local elected representative. 

image of Make democracy a Big Deal

Ask your MP about political donations

In a healthy democracy, no one should be able to buy greater access and influence to our decision makers. Most Australian states and territories have varying laws regulating money in politics, but the laws at the federal level are woefully lacking.

Compose your email

Email Tips +

  • First, briefly introduce yourself
  • Ask where your MP stands 
  • Add why you care about this issue